Shaping future minds
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Our BECLES4SCHOOLS family is currently working on a project that will help us with our mission to build our ​community. One of our most recent projects is our “Motivation Incentive Plan”. The goal behind this plan is to ​improve the attitudes, behavior, and overall mindset of our students by awarding them for their successes. By ​presenting them with small monetary awards this will show them that hard work really does pay off. These awards ​also give them the motivation to work harder and stay focused. For those students motivated to receive the awards; ​this help put them put their words into action; teaching them a sense of commitment.

We cannot forget about the heroes behind the success! We want to give our very hard-working teachers and staff ​notice for what they do as well. Part of our donations will support the awards we give to the teachers and staff. The ​BECLES4SCHOOLS overall goal is to build the community by building its families. “Families”; meaning - parents, ​teachers, students, businesses, and visitors are the Sumter County Families.

Your donations, volunteering, and overall commitment to joining us on this commitment is more than appreciated.

Please contact me at 803-229-0766 if you’d like to hear more about our efforts. You May Also Email Us at ​ You may contribute now by clicking the ‘donate’ box at the top of the page. Again, thank you so ​much for your kind consideration of our request, and we hope to hear from you soon.